Asso President’s Message – 2022-23

My dear friends in Inner Wheel,
WE CARE……. Yes, we do!
Dare, Care and Share………. Yes, we will!

This is the challenge I place before you this year – Dare, Care and Share. Three small words yet with great depth of meaning As members of Inner Wheel, this great women voluntary organization, we Dare to do the impossible, because we Care and we wish to Share.

It is so simple. Ever since the inception of Inner Wheel, in 1924, we as members have taken up many challenges, without fear, and with a genuine desire to serve those who need help. Our Inner Wheel prayer says that wherever the need for service arises, be ready to serve.

And we at Inner Wheel have come forward with courage and compassion to serve. The world in the last hundred years has seen wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, floods, epidemics, and the most recent Covid -19 which shook the world to its very foundations.

Yet Inner Wheel members were to be seen everywhere serving the people in any way they could. Nothing could stop them. They DARED because they CARED

The IIW theme for the year 2022-2023 by our IIW President Zenaida Farcon -Work Wonders is a theme that encompasses a very broad spectrum of what we as members can do, to make a difference to the community, society, and the world at large. It inspires us to work Wonders and miracles, when all seems hopeless. Let us all join together to Work Wonders and we will watch the miracles unfold.

I believe that a woman needs to be healthy.She needs to be educated. She needs to be given equal opportunity. She needs skill training. She needs to stand tall and empowered. Keeping this in mind my major focus would be on Adolescent and Women Welfare. Positive health for adolescents and women is my primary goal. A battle against the dreaded Cancer, anemia – spreading awareness regarding early detection and treatment and other health issues will be dealt with

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” said Nelson Mandela. We will use this weapon to educate children who have never seen the inside of a school, school dropouts, educate the adult whose identity is her fingerprint as well as foster E Learning for all. Voluntary teachers would be encouraged and their social conscience awakened

Save the environment, Save the world. The Dalai Lama says that it is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the environment in which we all live. We must ensure that the world we pass on to future generations is better than what we found it.

With this in mind, a major drive to minimize air, water, noise pollution and regulate waste management will be undertaken. Efforts to bring back tall shady leafy trees that were a part of our childhood and afforestation on a war footing will be organized. “Each one plant many” is my wish.

An increased membership means more hands to serve. Let us bring into the Inner Wheel fold those women who wish to serve and are looking for a forum of likeminded women to channelize their compassion and generosity.

As we step into a New Year of Friendship, Service and International Understanding, as we build further on the mighty edifice of Inner Wheel in India, as we Work Wonders and Miracles as we make the impossible possible with courage, dedication & friendship, let us in the words of Swami Vivekananda “Arise,Awake And Stop Not Till The GOAL is reached”.

I wish you all the best my dear Wonder Workers.
God bless you

Dr. Sujit Kaur
Association President / National Representative

Know your Association President Dr. Sujit Kaur

A doctor whose life’s mission is to heal the sick and ailing,to give Hope where all seems hopeless, to bring new life into the world and happiness to many, describes in a few short sentences, our Incoming Association President for 2022-23 Dr Surjit Kaur.

Her early years were spent in Jammu & Kashmir where her father who was in the Armed forces was stationed .She did her Senior Cambridge from Carmel Convent Chandigarh .Even as a young girl her deep desire was to care for the sick. Her inspiration was Dr Mary Poonen Lukose, from Kerala who was an Indian gynaecologist and obstetrician and the first female Surgeon General in India. Dr Surjit went on to do her MBBS from Jammu & Kashmir, followed by her post- graduation in Anesthesia, Obstetrics & Gynaecology. She had found her calling – Care of women and girls She worked in the Punjab Civil Medical services for 25 years, offering her dedicated services to the state at the grass root level. The Multi Speciality Hospital in Kapurthala,stands testimony to the dedication of Dr Surjit and her family, who are also doctors, to serve the community with love and compassion for the past 28 years.

Her IW journey began in 1999 when she became the Charter member of the newly formed Inner Wheel Club of Kapurthala. She was declared the “Best Member” in 2001-2002

She took over as President of her club in 2005. Bubbling with energy and enthusiasm she took part in all club projects and served with dedication on all the executive posts. She was declared the “Best President “and her club also received the “Best Club “award during her President ship Her work in Breast Feeding promotion was awarded the “Best Project “in the District. The club received a cash prize on Rain Water Harvesting at the National level along with “Best Medical Project” of the year. She entered the District in 2006 and served at all the district posts with distinction. As District Chairman in 2011-2012, she increased membership by 100. She organized Zonal Meets on Membership Development and Image Building, District Past Presidents Meet, and PDC Meet during her tenure.. She was the first to compile, publish and print a District Souvenir in her District. The hallmark of her Chairmanship was the frequent medical camps held and the follow up, and till today she provides free medical help to the underprivileged. “Her mantra is Health for all” She was also the Chairman of the very successful Multi District Rally held at Amritsar.

She was elected National Editor in 2018-2019 and won many accolades from International IW Editor for her excellent reporting and coverage of all IW projects and events in India. She compiled, published, printed, and released “Empower & Evolve” a book highlighting the projects done by the Chairmen of all the 27 Inner Wheel Districts in India, which received great acclaim She has attended the National PDC Meet, several Triennial Conferences, South Asia Rallies, and IIW Conventions. She was a scribe at the Triennial Conference 2019 at Pune and the Co-Convenor of the North Zone Meet held at Jammu in 2019 as well. In 2021-2022 she was elected as Association Vice president /Deputy NR. She will be the 47 th President of the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India 2022-2023.

A busy doctor, a dedicated member of Inner Wheel, she is an active Rotarian too. She was the charter member of Rotary Club Kapurthala Elite and served as Club President. She has also served as Assistant Governor, District Secretary and District Co-Editor of RI District 3070. She is a Major Donor.

In her chosen medical field, Dr.Surjit serves devotedly on various forums and associations sharing her medical expertise and skill She is a life member of the Indian Medical Association and Executive member of IMA Kapurthala. She was the Indian Medical Association President for 2 years She is also the Vice-chairman of Prevention of Female Feticide Committee, life member of Indian Red Cross Society; Secretary of the Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Society India – Kapurthala branch, Treasurer of Indian Menopause Society – Jalandar Region and life member NARCHI (National Association of Reproductive and Child Health in India)

She has also worked extensively for the Eradication of Polio. She has been holding free camps for menopausal women, as well as frequent thyroid and bone density camps in her hospital for the past 20 years. Adult education in villages and micro financing for village women are issues close to her heart and she is actively involved in working for both,

Dr. Surjit Kaur is happily married to PDG Rtn. Dr. Sarbjeet Singh who is an E.N.T. specialist from P.G.I. Chandigarh. They are blessed with 3 children- 2 sons and a daughter and like the parents they believe in bringing healing and wellness to the sick .All of them are doctors. She is blessed with one grandson – Kabir, who follows the family tradition of helping the underprivileged, even at the very young age of Four

She strongly advocates empowerment of women and deeply concerned about other women related issues. Positive health for women is her major focus. She believes that women must be healthy as a first step towards Empowerment. She believes that Inner Wheel is the vehicle through which our vision of an Empowered Woman can be transformed into reality.If all the Inner Wheel members join hands to support and encourage women, it will build stronger communities. Together we can help women and girls lift themselves and their families out of extreme backwardness and penury, live healthier lives, and reach their full potential. When girls and women are empowered, everyone wins. And, when her potential is unleashed, she is a powerhouse of strength and energy that cannot be crushed

Dr. Surjit Kaur loves reading, writing short stories, watching musical concerts and theatre plays. The warmth of her friendship and hospitality are a bye word to all at Inner Wheel.