District Chairman Message – 2021-22

Message for District Directory

“LIVE YOUR DREAMS” has always been the motto of my life and in a true sense, I am living my dream. Even in the figment of my imagination, I had not thought of reaching where I am today. I just can’t thank God enough for all the blessings He showered on me. However, this would not have been possible without the constant support of my home club, my family, and my friends. Further, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my Inner Wheel sisters of District 324 for their trust in me. It is indeed a proud privilege and honor for me to serve as the 30th District Chairman of District 324 of the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India.

We all know that the past year has been an exceptionally tough one for each one of us. Covid-19 has taken a toll and impacted the world in more than one way. With the rise in cases and severing of the situation, people from all around the globe have come together to fight this pandemic with collective efforts. Tough times call for stronger solutions, just like the never-give-up spirit of Inner Wheel. We are home-bound but that should not dampen the motivation and commitment of our organization. Society needs us now, more than ever. Therefore, let’s inspire and ensure to achieve all our goals with the same level of dedication and perseverance.

Every Inner Wheel year is special as it brings with it New Theme, New Projects, New Ideas, New Targets, and New Milestone. As given by our IIW President EbePanitteriMartines, the IIW Theme for this year is ‘PINK FIRST’. It strongly emphasises on putting the focus on Women. Therefore, our aim to create a more gender-equal society becomes a pressing priority. Gender equality along with increased empowerment of women and girls acts as a catalyst for the overall achievement of sustainable and development goals. Our aim should be to work independently, as well as establish meaningful partnerships with organizations, who can help us achieve our goals.

“One half is an equal share and only equal is enough”.

With ‘Pink First’ as the theme for this year, we will not only be focusing on or talking about women but society as a whole. While women have been the subject of more repression, yet neglecting the struggles of other genders would be unwise. It should be the year of gender equality if we work together in tandem not just for women and girls but for everyone, whose lives will be changed by a fairer world where no one is left behind. We all know that we do not have an equal world at the moment and we are radically impatient for that change to come. This impatience runs deep through all age groups, young and older, through all sectors of society. It’s been brewing for years. There have been some positive changes to celebrate but even where there is progress, our best hasn’t been good enough. A lot needs to be done to bridge this gap of gender inequality. As Inner Wheel members we can give our valuable contribution in achieving a more just and equal society. Health, education, opportunity, and empowerment will be the four prime areas that will be focused on. The directives given by our IIW President in this regard are wonderful and by keeping in mind the recommendations of the UN, we can surely move a step forward towards a fairer world.

The International Social Project 2021 – 2024 is also thought and framed on the same lines – STRONG WOMEN STRONGER WORLD. Women are the real architects of the society and empowering them would pave the way for a healthy and a more equitable nation.

The Association goals that are given by our Association President Saroj Katiyar also focus primarily on the need to empower women and secure lives. “SHEROES” – There is a superwoman in each one of us and the need of the hour is to direct our resources towards attaining the desired goals. Supporting Women Entrepreneurs, Hygiene-Happiness-Awareness for all, Responsibilities Towards Nature – Environment, Refreshing yourself with Triennial Conference, Orphanage and Old Age Home Assistance, E-learning and Eradication of Social Evils along with Spreading the wings of Inner Wheel through branding will the main areas of our focus and attention.

We are indeed lucky for our IIW Theme “PINK FIRST”, the goals received from Association “SHEROES” along with the International Social Project “STRONG WOMEN STRONGER WORLD” to go hand in hand. I am sure this will help us to channelize our energy in a particular direction that will aid us to achieve our targets.

The present scenario is relatively adverse but the Wheel of Inner Wheel has to roll on. Unfortunately, work from home has become the new normal but whining about it is no solution. Let’s convert this challenge into an opportunity. Let’s stay focused, join hands, give our best and move ahead. Like all other things, this too shall pass and end. Looking back, let’s remember our tenacity and strong will. It might seem tough and impossible but trust me it isn’t. Always remember: “The goal is not to always be the best but to always give your bestbecause a strong woman looks a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink.”

In Friendship
Amita Mundra
District Chairman 2021 – 22