District Chairman Message – 2022-23

Warm InnerWheel Greetings to each and every one of you.

Throughout the history of the world, ever since the revolution that the plough brought about, women have been relegated to the back stage. As though they do not count. Yet logic tells us

that it is impossible for society to progress if women, half of the human race, played no part in it at all. Ignored, neglected and deprived, women have always been and are still fighting for their legitimate claim on the resources of the world.

InnerWheel Club, the second largest women’s club in the world and spread over a hundred countries, has made significant thrusts in the direction of improving the condition of women. This year, too, we will continue to concentrate on welfare of women and adolescent girls, bring about awareness regarding cancer and anaemia and other non communicable diseases, cleansing the environment, mainly water and solid waste and create linkages.

We have an extremely talented work-force of over a lakh members and that includes you. If you have joined the InnerWheel Club it means that you have concern for others. That you are willing to work for the downtrodden, the lesser privileged member of society, for women. To be of service to humanity is the key desire of all members of Inner Wheel. You want to bring your unique talents into service for others and are enthusiastic to be an agent of change and I salute you for that.

In the words of Rabindranath Tagore, “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold service was joy.” To look upon life as service, to have a purpose in life outside ourselves and our personal happiness is what brings about real joy.

You and I, together will Work Wonders. We will dare to dream and turn our dreams into action. We will care for humanity till it hurts and together we will brighten the future. That is a promise.

Yours in InnerWheel.
Kakoli Chowdhury
District Chairman 2022 – 2023