District Chairman Message – 2023-24

A Leader is one who Knows the Way
Goes the Way and Shows the Way

I am honoured to adorn the Mantle of District Chairman and privileged to Lead District 324 in the Centenary Year of International Inner Wheel. I believe leadership is a choice not a position. It is constant action and learning experience and an opportunity to serve. Leaders are not born but self made. The beautiful IIW Theme this year “SHINE A LIGHT” portrays the essence of this meaningful organisation which binds the 1,20,000 Plus Inner Wheel members in golden threads of Service above Self in 100 Countries. Nothing can dim the Light that shines from within and the Shadow is the greatest teacher for how to come to light. “Let your Light Shine so bright that others can see their way out of Darkness”. Let us make Inner Wheel a Symbol of Hope and be a source of courage and strength to those who are suffering and dispel their misery. Friends the brightest Light is Invisible. It shines through your deeds and warms the Universe. Abdul Kalam rightly said “If you want to Shine like a Sun first burn like a Sun” So share your wisdom, radiate Love and serve the people. Have Empathy towards all.

Let us set a new fruitful Inner Wheel Year rolling by celebrating past achievements and by preparing for new advents for the coming Centenary Year. Open doors to new possibilities and be ever ready to bell new Difficulties and make best use of opportunities we come across and take our District 324 to new heights of glory. We Inner Wheel Sisters must have an Ownership in our Vision. “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do”. Friends the difference between Success and Failure is “Teamwork”. The word “WE” has more magic that “I”. I urge all the Clubs to work together for the common goal of “TRAILBLAZERS”. The pooling of resources and great minds across all regions with joint club projects will enable to achieve GOALS and Big Dreams As A Dream You Dream alone is only a Dream. “A Dream you Dream Together becomes Reality”. Inter District Programmes/ Meets will lead to a confluence of great ideas, powerful social recourses and things will come together with the right ingredients of dedicated service, indomitable will, constructive spirit as we march together in the centenary year holding hands of like minded friends. The merging of common interests is fortunate for Inner Wheel Ideology. Together we can surpass all hurdles and the determination to serve those in need in unison will help us to accomplish Mission after Mission. The synergy of our actions will become the most powerful tool to build a nation and to become star performers and Trailblazers of Peace and Growth in Society.

“Believe in Yourself” Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is No Path and Leave a Trail. Your positive attitude combined with positive action will lead to Excellence. I am a TRAILBLAZER who dares to take the first step. It does not matter when we start, it does not matter where we start. All that matters is that we start and keep moving despite all hurdles. As success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. There is always a Leader within us who is striving to break boundaries. Be ever ready to serve and inspire and be ever ready to unite. As INTEGRITY, INSIGHT and INCLUSIVENESS are the three essential qualities of Leadership. Be a Visionary with more foresight than others. True Leaders Leave their foot prints because of their Persistent hard work, Innovative Ideas, Constructive spirit and contribution to society. Every trailblazer should have a burning desire to Lead. To Inspire and to Empower others for the greater good of the World. Let us shine a Light Collectively to bring about positive meaningful difference in the World and bring a Tsunami of Change.

Congratulations and Heartfelt Best Wishes to all the teams of the Centenary Year 2023-2024 on taking up the Mantle of Leadership. You are the Wonder Women of my Team. Let us together make an Investment in the betterment of Society Leading by Example and make the Torch of Inner Wheel Shine Bright.

“Change Your Opinions
Keep to Your Principles
Change Your Leaves
But Keep Intact Your Roots”

Yours in Service
Geeta Sarin
District Chairman 23-24