Innerwheel club of Siliguri Uttarayon celebrated 75 years of Independence

Inner Wheel Club of Siliguri Uttorayon

Innerwheel club of Siliguri Uttarayon celebrated 75 years of Independence

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*President*: -Pooja Agarwal
*District chairman:*
*Kakoli Chowdhury*
*District Editor:*
*Manisha Garg*
*Amount Spent:* -78,000/-
Innerwheel club of siliguri uttarayon celebrated 75 years of Independence with some projects dedicated to nation
1. 6 medical students were provided with medical books
2. Support to 2 cancer patients vaccination
3.awareness on ladies cancer…ovarian cancer,breast cancer, uterus cancer by renowned doctor from calcutta.
4 .celebrated Rakshabandhan with 50 physically challenged children

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