Women Empowerment

Inner Wheel Club of Siliguri Uttorayon Aura

Women Empowerment

40 40 people viewed this event.

dist- 342
Dist. chairman – Geeta Sarin
Dist Editor – Sweta Agarwal
President -Priyanka Agarwal
Secretery- Sheetal Agarwal
No of members present – 2
beneficiary – many
Total amount spent- 30000
Vertices: Women Empowerment
Inner club of Siliguri Uttarayon Aura has taken an oath to Empower Women by teaching
them how to use a sewing machine. For one year the classes are being sponsored by the
club where the students will be taught everything that could help them earn money by
tailoring and sewing. At the end of the year, the best student will be awarded with a sewing
machine. The classes are being help at the Salasar Sewa Ashram.

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